The Stone Walls of Tsukimi Yagura: Look Up to See an Iron-Plated Bay Window
The stone walls of Tsukimi Yagura were built by Ikeda Tadao in the 1620s. The corners are constructed using a method called Sangi-zumi, in which long stones are stacked at alternating perpendicular angles with square stones placed in the spaces between them to enhance its strength.
The stones are granite with a pronounced whiteness, and are thought to have been brought from Inujima Island (today a part of Okayama City’s Higashi Ward). When looking up at Tsukimi Yagura (a nationally designated Important Cultural Property), you can see a bay window covered with iron sheeting and with an ishi-otoshi, a window for dropping stones out of, at the bottom.
The stones are granite with a pronounced whiteness, and are thought to have been brought from Inujima Island (today a part of Okayama City’s Higashi Ward). When looking up at Tsukimi Yagura (a nationally designated Important Cultural Property), you can see a bay window covered with iron sheeting and with an ishi-otoshi, a window for dropping stones out of, at the bottom.
中国語 簡体字:简体中文
抬头可见包覆着铁板的凸窗 月见橹的石墙
中国語 繁体字:繁體中文
抬頭可見包覆著鐵板的凸窗 月見櫓的石牆
올려다보면 철판을 붙인 돌출창, 쓰키미야구라(月見櫓)의 돌담
이케다 다다카쓰(池田忠雄)가 1620년대에 쌓은 돌담입니다. 모서리는 산기즈미(算木積み)라고 불리는 방식으로, 직사각형 돌의 긴 변과 짧은 변을 번갈아 쌓아 지지 강도를 높였습니다. 석재는 흰색이 강한 화강암으로 세토내해에 있는 이누지마(오카야마시 히가시구 이누지마)에서 가져온 것으로 보입니다. 돌담 위에 있는 쓰키미야구라(국가지정 중요문화재)를 올려다보면 표면이 철판으로 덮여있으며 아래쪽에 석락(石落-돌을 떨어뜨리는 용도의 홈이나 구멍)이 있는 돌출창을 볼 수 있습니다.